Showing posts with label Hard water waxing of Hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hard water waxing of Hair. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2023

Hard water waxing of Hair How To Get Rid Of It?


Hard water waxing of Hair

Hard water waxing of Hair How To Get Rid Of It?

Hard water is hard to work with. The best thing is of course to get something that removes those minerals before they hit your coffeemaker, your kettle, your washing machine, or your hair. If that's not an option, the next best thing is EDTA high up on the list of ingredients in your shampoo.

However... if you have gone no-poo, then what?

This waxy gunky buildup is hard to live with, the hair looks off, it gets soapy and dirt collects more easily, and your brush, comb, and hands will get coated in the stuff when you style your hair. It took me a while to actually figure out what it is, and now I'm working on how to battle it.

I can't do anything about my water, so something else is needed.

One of the things that makes it worse, is alkaline rinses. Alkaline as in pH above 7. As in baking soda, castile soap, green tea, and most herbal rinses. Using ACV afterward is usually not enough... I think it's the wrong kind of acid... I could be wrong, but we'll see.

I had a really bad case of waxy buildup and didn't want to use shampoo because my scalp hates it. I was recommended Miracle Water, something a member here came up with. The original thread is lost to the halls of forgotten ones and zeroes, but the recipe still lives on.

Miracle water: 1 gallon (I assume US gallon) of water, 1/32 teaspoon of ascorbic acid (vit C), and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid.

I tried to turn that into a 1-liter recipe, but the result with such a tiny amount is hard to properly measure.

Now, a word of caution - vit C is used to lighten hair, so I didn't want to make it too strong either, since I had just done a setting of black PPD henna. However, getting rid of the wax is priority 1.

Lactic acid is used in some brands of coffee maker decalcifiers. According to Shenet, it is very harsh and should be used sparingly. The alternative is whey since that contains lactic acid in more gentle proportions. Lactic acid is also part of the fermentation process, and that's where I started.

I mixed some organic rye flour with water and let it ferment, just like sourdough, but with more water. I fed it twice during the week with more rye flour. Then I strained it and kept the leftovers in a new batch. The water/milk was mixed with some kata because I wanted the scrubbiness from it for my scalp. The katana (I thought it was bad quality indigo) did turn blue in the bottle as it was sitting half a day before I used it.

I also made a strong coffee rinse. Coffee is slightly acidic at least.

I started off by wetting my hair with miracle water. I should have used all of it, instead of saving some for the next wash. It was hard to wet my hair like that. Next time I'll put my hair under the shower to start anyway. I didn't feel any effect on my hair.

Without rinsing, I applied my rye flour 'poo. It felt good, with slight creaminess, easy to apply, slightly lemony smell. The katana made a nice scrub. I let it sit in my hair while I did my other showery things. Then I scrubbed some more and used my hands to "pull" it down the length of my hair.

Rinse, rinse, rinse. I could feel that there was still something in my hair, the waxiness wasn't completely gone, I was sure of it. I contemplated making an ACV rinse as well but decided to go with the experiment as intended.

Applied my coffee rinse. Worked my hair a bit, and ended up with coffee-stained feet.

Rinse, rinse, rinse. Then dry in a turban and then air dry while I slept.

My hair was still soapy from the wax, but... there is a slight improvement. The waxiness is less. I applied some coconut oil and then detangled and there are spots that have less waxiness, so I know I'm on the right track. I think miracle water is great for maintaining waxless hair, but to remove long-term buildup, something else or stronger is needed.

My color has turned slightly purplish and a bit lighter, especially since my roots have lost most of the color. I'll remedy that with a few henna and indigo washes. Those washes don't really cover, but they give a hint of color and prepare my virgin roots for a new dye session.

I will make some whey and use that as well. Whey is easily done by heating milk, adding lemon juice, and making soft cheese. I will make Indian Pannir cheese and keep the whey. I'll let you know how it goes.

So far, acid of the right strength and variety is needed, and alkali rinses need to be avoided. I will play around with the ascorbic and citric acids, my fermented rye flour, and some whey and see what mixes are good for removing buildup, and then what is needed to maintain a nice waxless head of hair.


waxing of Hair

Do any Homemade remedies for dandruff?


Last month dandruff started appearing in my hair. I was a bit afraid and started using dandruff products but it didn't reduce. Earlier it was in just the scalp but now it's spread to all around the hair and scalp. I am really worried now and I think that product won't help because already tried.

Can one suggest me a good remedy for dandruff?


I developed a flaky scalp in my early teens. I used to scrub and scrub with various shampoos including head and shoulders but once my hair dried the flakes were visible again.

Then one day I read a remedy in an old book advising to use a rinse of rosemary infusion after washing my hair. Luckily for me, we had fresh rosemary growing in our garden so I made the infusion using fresh rosemary and used it as a final rinse making sure to really work it into my scalp.

After my hair dried there were no more flakes, at all! I did it each time I washed but then after a while started to forget, but even so the flakes didn't come back.

Rosemary rinses with the fresh herb would be my first choice for scalp flakes. Years later I tried dried rosemary and also rosemary essential oil but neither of them worked like the fresh herb.

I would also suggest the salicylic acid shampoo, it really does clear off the build-up. Vosene is a cheap shampoo that contains it. You can also get shampoos that contain salicylic acid plus an antifungal which is great if fungus is the cause of the flakes.

Of course, you may not have a fungal issue and your scalp might be dry in which case lightly oiling the scalp can help.

What strikes me though is that it came on suddenly which makes me wonder if you could be reacting to a new hair product that's causing your scalp to have a reaction, or maybe a product you use has been reformulated and you haven't realized?

It might also be worth trying a scalp exfoliator. You can make a sugar or salt scrub by mixing them with a bit of oil and rubbing them into your scalp before shampooing it out. Or you can use a paste from powdered herbs, apply the paste either before shampooing, dampening your hair and scalp first then giving your scalp a good massage. The powder acts as a mild scalp scrub.

Or you could get a scalp exfoliator brush. I use the one-by-tangle teaser which seems to do a good job.

I suppose the first thing to do though is figure out why you're getting these flakes. If you can access a medically qualified professional like a dermatologist then that really would be worth consulting. I know not everyone has access to dermatologists though.

I hope you manage to resolve this soon.



The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

While efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information contained in this article. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

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